Dedicated to those Individuals who Greatly Helped or Shared my Pursuit & Interests
in Herpetology & Ecology
Individuals who Greatly Influenced or Directed
my Knowledge, Pursuit and Advancement of Herpetology & Ecology:
1) Mrs.
Molly Studenroth (my Mother).
2) Hobart
Smith, Ph.D. & Herbert Zim, Ph.D. (Coauthors of the Golden Field Guide
of Amphibians & Reptiles).
3) Mr.
Robert (Bob) Todd (one of the most knowledgeable and significant herpetologists in the State of KY. Mr. Todd worked for my father at the Elizabethtown,
KY post office).
4) Dr.
Paul Gerard (M.D.) (my family doctor).
5) Mr.
Larry Pursell (my high school biology teacher).
6) Mr.
William M. Palmer (former director of herpetology at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences).
7) D.
Bruce Means, Ph.D. (Director – Coastal Plains Institute, Adjunct FSU professor, researcher & author).
8) Mr. Paul Moler (FL Fish
& Wildlife herpetologist for 29 years!)
9) Mr.
Ray & Pat Ashton (Director - Ashton Biodiversity Research & Preservation
Institute, researcher & author).
10) Dr. Walter Auffenberg
(Former Director of Herpetology - FL Museum).
11) Dale
R. Jackson, Ph.D. (Zoologist at the Florida natural
Areas Inventory, researcher).
12) Sharon
Hermann, Ph.D. (Professor at Auburn University).
13) Mr.
Steven Carey (Professor at the University of Mobile)
14) Jeff Gore, Ph.D. (FL
Fish & Wildlife biologist)
Individuals who shared my interest and growth, accompanied me in the field numerous times, gave
considerable assistance, or allowed me to conduct various research:
1) Mr.
Greg Norberg (boyhood & life-long friend).
2) Mr.
Mike Petzinger (teenage & life-long friend).
3) Mr.
Doug DeMers (Air Force & life-long friend).
4) Ms.
Anne Harvey (FL DEP State Park manager & biologist).
5) Mr.
David Welford (Assisted with my Grand Bay
study & close friend).
(Below) Dr. Walter Auffenberg & Karl c.1989. Dr. Auffenberg helped me several times as a young Herpetologist.
He even wrote me a letter of support, for a job, from Karachi Pakistan once!