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Ernestine & Anne Harvey Memorial Page 2


(Right) Ernestine Harvey enjoying a reenactment event. 
(Below) another great member of Anne and Ernestine's household for many years was "Jack" the Siberian Husky!  I always enjoyed playing with Jack while visiting. 


(Right) Anne Harvey & Karl Studenroth.  St. Joe State Park, FL - April 24th, 2004.

Later in her career Anne became the Park Biologist for Big Lagoon, Tarkiln Bayou and Perdido Key State Parks.  During the Gulf oil spill Anne boldly stood up for the protection of delicate coastal ecosystems in the Perdido Key area during the clean-up process.
(Left) Anne Harvey, David Colbert and Kiersten Wilson prepare for a controlled burn at Big Lagoon State Park.


(Below) A link to a video of Jack talking and playing.  Anne is in the background.  I am trying to play with Jack, hold the camera and get him to talk all at once!  June 21st, 2009.  The link below doesn't work with Firefox.  Please use Internet Explorer or Edge to open and view it.  It's a great video of Jack!

Video of Jack talking!







   Ernestine and Anne Harvey were in the 1% of people you will meet in your lifetime that truly cared about others.  I can't begin to say how much Anne helped me in my life and career and gave me opportunities to do incredible natural history surveys in awesome areas.  I knew Anne and Ernestine about 26 years, over half of my life. 


  Anne also supported, encouraged and taught numerous individuals and young people within the Florida State Parks and AmeriCorps during her career.  Ernestine and Anne took in myself and so many other people as their own family and always made you feel welcome and at home in their home.  Anne made an awesome quiche and over the years Ernestine gave me many jars of her canned jams, and gave me many great hot meals as a single guy.  The positive impact of Ernestine and Anne on so many people will live on for decades to come!  Anne's incredible impact on Florida State Parks and natural areas of the great State of Florida will live on for generations.  Anne and Ernestine (and Jack!) were my friends and part of my "real" family in life.  I will greatly miss them, but they will live on in my fond memories in so many ways. 


If you knew Anne, Ernestine (or Jack!) or they impacted your life, I encourage you to sign the guest book below.  Thank you for visiting this site celebrating the lives of Anne, Ernestine and Jack!