HomePurpose of this CD CollectionCD Cover - Draft VersionA Short Essay on Peace, Ecology & MusicCategories & Order of Songs

CD Cover Concept:

  The CD cover is a collage of icons and symbols of peace, love, ecology, world religions and cultures. These symbols are a mix of ancient, secular, modern and artistic expression that represent peace, love, ecology and various world religions. I have purposely placed certain symbols side by side (i.e., Islam & Judaism) to represent they can live and coexist side by side in harmony.

  I collected these graphic art symbols from a variety of websites on the internet. The religious symbols have no copyright protection.  I have verified the free use of all but one of the remaining symbols.  Legal permission to use all of these symbols would need to be verified for any CD cover usage. The CD cover could be changed or altered as needed, depending on the symbols used.
