(Above) Texas Spotted Whiptail (Male with ventral coloration)

(Above) Red Spotted toad
(Below) Gulf Coast toad

(Above) Great Plains Narrow-mouthed frog (juvenile)
Texas toad

(Above) Diamondback Water snake (Collected by Caleb Evans)
(Below) Southwest Black-headed snake (Collected by Caleb Evans)

(Above) Flathead snakes (snakes collected by Caleb Evans)
(Below) TX Greater Earless lizard

(Left) Ventral coloration of a Rose-bellied lizard
Rose-bellied lizard (Collected by Caleb Evans)
(Above) Green Anole. A Southeastern species found in the canyons
on the south side of the Edward's Plateau. (Collected by Caleb Evans)
(Below) A Checkered Garter snake.
Note the cloudy eyes, this snake will shed soon.