(Above) Box turtle (Terrapene carolina)
Drift Fence Trapping Results
Tarkiln Bayou SP:
Species Documented in traps or within
the vicinity of the drift fence array. Tarkiln Bayou Preserve SP
Spring 2009 Trapping Results:
Species #) Common name - Scientific name
- Number documented
1) S. Cricket frog - Acris g. gryllus - Abundant,
calling and observed often
2) Oak toad - Bufo quercicus - 7
3) S. toad - Bufo terrestris - 1
4) E. Narrow-mouthed frog - Gastrophryne carolinensis
- 91!
5) Pine Woods treefrog - Hyla femoralis - 1, calling
6) Squirell treefrog - Hyla squirella
- calling once
7) S. Leopard frog - Rana utricularia - 14
8) Box turtle - Terrapene carolina - 1
9) Six-lined Racerunner - Cnemidophorus s. sexlineatus
- 2
10) Ground Skink - Scincella lateralis - 1
11) S. Black Racer - Coluber constrictor priapus
- 1
12) Banded Water snake - Nerodia f. fasciata - 1
13) E. Ribbon snake - Thamnophis s. sauritus
- 1
(Updated: 18 May, 2009 = 123 native, herpetofaunal captures)
Exotic Species:
1) Greenhouse Frog - Eleutherodactylus planirostris - 3
Unique Invertebrates:
1) Hentz's Striped Scorpion - Centruroides hentzi - 2
Fall 2009 Trapping Results:
* Indicates a new
species documented at or near the drift fence site.
1) S. toad - Bufo terrestris - 2
2) E. Narrowmouth frog - Gastrophryne carolinensis
- 1
*3) E. Spadefoot toad - Scaphiophus
h. holbrooki - 3
*4) Louisiana Newt - Notophthalmus viridescens
louisianensis - 1
5) Six-lined
Racerunner - Cnemidophorus s. sexlineatus - 5
6) Ground Skink - Scincella lateralis - 2
*7) Corn snake - Elaphe g. guttata
- 1
*8) E. Coachwhip - Masticophis
f. flagellum - 2
*9) Crowned Snake - Tantilla coronata -
(Updated: 12 November, 2009 = 18 native, herpetofaunal captures)
Exotic Species:
1) Greenhouse Frog - Eleutherodactylus planirostris - 1
Unique Invertebrates:
1) Hentz's Striped Scorpion - Centruroides hentzi - 4
Special thanks to Tammy Matthews, Ryan Harms and Stephanie Doyle for volunteer work at the drift
fence in the Fall of 2009!
(Below) A native Scorpion: Big Lagoon SP. Scorpions have
been documented in Big Lagoon & Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Parks.