Over the Summer and Fall of 2009
aquatic trapping will be conducted in Big Lagoon, Tarkiln Bayou and Perdido Key State Parks. Aquatic trapping will be
done with several different style traps to target different aquatic species. Turtles and aquatic salamanders are the
primary target species.
The results of these trapping
sessions will shed light on the abundance and diversity of aquatic fauna found in Pensacola area State Parks. Some target
species include Diamondback terrapins and Alligator snapping turtles (both rare species). Enjoy the photos!
Below: Some photos of aquatic trapping results at Tarkiln Bayou SP in early October,

(Above) Karl with a large Common Snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina).
Added 6 Oct. 09
(Below) A close up of the large Common Snapping turtle! Both
Snapping turtle photos by Tammy Matthews. Added 6 Oct. 09

(Above) A Florida Cooter (Pseudemys floridana). Added 6 Oct. 09
Below: Trapping in early September 2009, in Grande Lagoon (Big Lagoon
SP) produced some creepy critters!

(Above) A small American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) was
found in a hoop trap! Photo by Mickey Quigley.
(Below) A FL Cottonmouth was stuck in a hoop trap trying to get a
free meal of fish!

(Below) Karl checking a hoop trap - a Yellow-bellied Slider is in
the trap. Photo by Tammy Matthews.

(Above) A Yellow-bellied Slider (Trachemys scripta)
Photos by Tammy Matthews.
(Below) A large Common Snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
