Hello & Welcome!
Hola y recepción!
Hallo und Willkommen!
και υποδοχή Ciao
e benvenuto
Hello en onthaal дравствулте!
и гостеприимсво
Now that I've said hello and welcome in seven languages, lets get started! This
web site is merely a reflection of my personal interests aside from ecology and natural history.
Few people in my life know of my interests beyond critters and the outdoors. One of
my number one goals in my life is to educate people about what they're doing to the earth, other people and ultimately themselves.
I have chosen to work in the fields of ecology, natural history, conservation and environmental education because there is
little animals, nature and the earth can do in defense of what humans are doing to it, and ultimately to themselves.
I have chosen to be a voice for nature!
One of the few things that has kept me going in my losing battle to save the earth and creation
is one of the last things Christ said before He died "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do". This is so
true! Humanity so often only reacts to bad situations or takes action after much damage has already been done or
loss of life (be it human or nature). Humanity unfortunately learns very little or nothing from mistakes,
destruction or past wars and death - humanity simply does not learn from the past!
Changing directions now. Some of my other deep interests in life are philosophy, mythology
and world religions. As far as myself, I choose to be an ecologist because of my deep love for creation and the biodiversity
of life on this earth. As a scientist I've chosen my path in life for a much deeper purpose and reason - I'm not just
pursuing a career or wealth!
If one looks at history, science was once strongly linked to philosopy and religion.
It amazes me now how science, reason, common sense and religion all seem to be such enemies (at least in Western cultures
and religions)!
Just look at the silly debate between creation and evolution! Each side of this
debate simply want to argue for the sake of arguing and being right! How senseless! The purpose of the Bible was
not a geological and ecological textbook about the earth! The Bible contains many valuable and important lessons and
guidance for life. Both sides have important pieces of the puzzle, but it takes wisdom, patience, reason and
humility to fit them together! Evolution takes nothing away from God - but perhaps it is one of His most powerful tools,
on many levels (biologically & spiritually!)!
Early in the history of Western culture, such great philosophers,
artists and thinkers as Aristotle and Leonardo da Vinci (just to name a few) were also great naturalists and scientists!
How can anyone truly and deeply look at the earth, the marvels of nature and life around
them and not be a philosopher and believe in something far greater than themselves (whether they call it religion, spirituality,
biology, creation or evolution, or God)? Just looking at all the miracles, systems, organs and various structures that
make up the human body is amazing! If you're still not convinced just look up at the stars one dark night and the infinite
universe around us!
Whatever your personals beliefs are, God and/or evolution gave each human a mind and to
some extent the free will and choice to use their minds and lives in a positive, beneficial and good way. Please remember
these words, my writings and this web site are some of my own opinions, beliefs and observations in my life.
Ever since I was a small child, the scientist within me wanted to know how everthing worked,
the naturalist in me wanted to know about all the creatures that inhabit this earth, and the philosopher in me wanted
to know why! I'm now well on my way down each of these paths of exploration.
However, early on in my serious pursuit of natural history I learned that the more I learn
and know, I really know nothing! These pages are just the tip of the iceburg as far as what has gone through
my mind since a very young age! Have I gotten your attention? Then by all means, I challenge you to read on!
Karl R. Studenroth Jr.
"The time will come when men such as
I will look upon the murder of animals as now they look upon the murder of men." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
"The greatness of a nation and its moral
progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." ~ Mohandas
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"I do not
feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason,
and intellect has intended us to forgo their use" --
Galileo Galilei