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Rare & Endangered Species

  Within Garland and Montgomery Counties, Arkansas a variety of rare and endangered species occur.  Some of these species were extirpated long ago, others may be migratory and some hold on in small pockets of undeveloped or protected areas such as public lands in State & National parks, Corps of Engineer lands at Lake Ouachita, the Ouachita National Forest or other protected lands such as Nature Conservancy preserves.  As human populations and development increase, protected lands become more important to preserve and protect declining species.
  Protection and monitoring of declining species is vital to the continued existence of them. Sadly it is estimated that between 200 - 2,000 species become extinct each year globally.  Each species we lose is one species closer to the extinction of the human race and everyone should be concerned about the impact humanity has on the planet daily.
  The Arkansas Natural Heritage Comission tracks the listed species below within both Garland and Montgomery Counties.  Note: Other rare and endangered species could occur in these Counties that have not been documented yet, especially during animal migratory periods or after severe storms and flooding.  Explanations of status rankings are found at the bottom of the species list.


(Above) Rare Glade ecosystem.  Notice the Echinacea or Cone-flower, along with the other array of wildflowers in this Ouachita glade. 

  Glades are one of the most unique and rare habitat types within Arkansas.  Glades are formed where rocks are at or near the surface and soil is thin or limited.  A unique assemblage of animals and plants inhabit or have uniquely adapted to life in arid and harsh glades.  Glades support specialized or more southwestern species such as orchids, yuccas, cacti, Collared lizards and more.  Because of the lack of fire and other human-related impacts, glade ecosystems have been greatly reduced within the Ouachita region. 

Garland County, Arkansas - Listed & Rare Species:

Scientific Name/Common Name  

1st - Federal Status, 2nd - State Status, 3rd - Global Rank, 4th - State Rank

 Animals - Invertebrates
Agapetus medicus (Arkansas Agapetus Caddisfly)-INVG1G2SNR
Alloperla caddo (Caddo sallfly)-INVG1G2S1
Cordulegaster talaria (Ouachita spiketail)-INVG1G2S1
Fallicambarus harpi (Ouachita burrowing crayfish)-INVG2 S2
Fallicambarus jeanae (Daisie burrowing crayfish)-INVG2S2
Lampsilis powellii (Arkansas fatmucket)LTSEG2S2
Lampsilis satura (sandbank pocketbook)-INVG2S2
Lucanus elaphus (giant stag beetle)-INVG3G5S2
Paucicalcaria ozarkensis (a microcaddisfly)-INVG1S1
Problema byssus (Byssus Skipper)-INVG3G4S1
Ptychobranchus occidentalis (Ouachita kidneyshell)-INVG3G4S3
Speyeria diana (Diana Fritillary)-INVG3G4S2S3
Villosa arkansasensis (Ouachita creekshell)-INVG2S2
Villosa lienosa (little spectaclecase)-INVG5S3
Animals - Vertebrates
Ambystoma annulatum (ringed salamander)-INVG4S3
Ambystoma talpoideum (mole salamander)-INVG5S3
Crotalus atrox (western diamond-backed rattlesnake)-INVG5S2
Desmognathus conanti (spotted dusky salamander)-INVG5S1
Etheostoma pallididorsum (paleback darter)-INVG2S2
Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Bald Eagle)-INVG5S2B, S4N
Hemidactylium scutatum (four-toed salamander)-INVG5S3
Lasiurus seminolus (Seminole bat)-INVG5S3
Myotis austroriparius (southeastern myotis)-INVG3G4S3
Noturus lachneri (Ouachita madtom)-INVG2S2
Ophisaurus attenuatus attenuatus (western slender glass lizard)-INVG5T5S3
Pantherophis emoryi (Great Plains ratsnake)-INVG5S3
Percina sp. nov. (Ouachita darter)-INVG2?SNR
Phrynosoma cornutum (Texas horned lizard)-INVG4G5S2
Plethodon caddoensis (Caddo Mountain salamander)-INVG2S2
Plethodon serratus (southern red-backed salamander)-INVG5S3
Regina rigida sinicola (gulf crayfish snake)-INVG5T5S3
Regina septemvittata (queen snake)-INVG5S2
Plants - Non-vascular
Phormidium treleasei (A blue-green alga)-INVGNRS2
Plants - Vascular
Acer saccharum var. leucoderme (chalk maple)-INVG5T5S2S3
Amorpha ouachitensis (Ouachita indigo-bush)-INVG3QS3
Amsonia hubrichtii (Ouachita bluestar)-INVG3S3
Asplenium pinnatifidum (lobed spleenwort)-INVG4S3
Asplenium x gravesii (Graves' spleenwort)-INVGNAS1
Callirhoe alcaeoides (plains poppy-mallow)-INVG5? S1?
Carex atlantica ssp. atlantica (prickly bog sedge)-INVG5T4S2
Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides (brome sedge)-INVG5T5S2
Carex decomposita (cypress-knee sedge)-INVG3G4S2
Carex laevivaginata (smooth-sheath sedge)-INVG5S2
Carex latebracteata (Waterfall's sedge)-STG3S3
Carex leptalea (bristly-stalk sedge)-INVG5S2S3
Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge)-INVG5S3
Carex stricta (tussock sedge)-INVG5S3
Carex willdenowii (Willdenow's sedge)-INVG5S1
Cirsium muticum (swamp thistle)-STG5S1
Cypripedium kentuckiense (Kentucky lady's-slipper)-INVG3S3
Draba aprica (open-ground whitlow-grass)-STG3S2
Dryopteris celsa (log fern)-INVG4S2
Dryopteris x australis (Dixie wood fern)-INVGNAS1
Dulichium arundinaceum var. arundinaceum (three-way sedge)-INVG5TNRS2S3
Erythronium mesochoreum (prairie trout-lily)-INVG4G5S1S2
Euphorbia longicruris (wedge-leaf spurge)-INVG4G5S1
Euphorbia sp. nov. (Ouachita spurge)-INVGNRS3
Festuca versuta (Texas fescue)-INVG3S1
Galium arkansanum var. pubiflorum (hairy-flower Arkansas bedstraw)-INVG5TNRS2
Gaylussacia baccata (black huckleberry)-INVG5S3
Gratiola brevifolia (sticky hedge-hyssop)-INVG4S3
Helianthus occidentalis ssp. plantagineus (plantain-leaf sunflower)-INVG5T2T3S1
Houstonia ouachitana (Ouachita bluet)-INVG3S3
Hydrophyllum brownei (Browne's waterleaf)-INVG2S2
Ilex longipes (Georgia holly)-INVG5S3
Liatris compacta (Ouachita blazing-star)-INVG3S3
Liparis loeselii (Loesel's twayblade)-STG5S1
Oxalis texana (Texas yellow wood-sorrel)-INVGNRSU
Paronychia virginica (yellow nailwort)-INVG4S2
Phacelia strictiflora var. robbinsii (Robbins' prairie scorpion-weed)-INVG5T4S1S2
Physaria filiformis (Missouri bladderpod)LTINVG3S1
Platanthera cristata (crested fringed orchid)-INVG5S1S2
Ptilimnium nodosum (harperella)LEINVG2S2
Rosa foliolosa (white prairie rose)-INVG5S2
Rudbeckia maxima (great coneflower)-INVG4?S3
Sanicula smallii (Small's black-snakeroot)-INVG5S3
Scutellaria cardiophylla (Gulf skullcap)-INVG4?S1S2
Stachys iltisii (Ouachita hedge-nettle)-INVGNRS3
Stenanthium gramineum (featherbells)-INVG4G5S3
Streptanthus maculatus ssp. obtusifolius (Arkansas twistflower)-INVG3T3S3
Symphyotrichum sericeum (silvery aster)-INVG5S2
Thalictrum arkansanum (Arkansas meadow-rue)-STG2QS2
Tradescantia longipes (dwarf spiderwort)-INVG4S2
Trautvetteria caroliniensis (false bugbane)-INVG5S1
Trichomanes petersii (dwarf bristle fern)-STG4G5S2
Trifolium carolinianum (Carolina clover)-INVG5 S1?
Uvularia perfoliata (perfoliate bellwort)-INVG5S3
Valerianella nuttallii (Nuttall's cornsalad)-INVG2?S2
Valerianella palmeri (Palmer's cornsalad)-INVG3S3
Veratrum woodii (Wood's false hellebore)-INVG5S3
Vernonia lettermannii (Letterman's ironweed)-INVG3S3
Viola walteri (Walter's violet)-INVG4G5 S1S2
Vitis rupestris (sand grape)-INVG3 S3
Special Elements - Natural Communities
Ouachita Mountain Forested Seep-INVGNRSNR
Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland-INVGNRSNR
Ozark-Ouachita Shortleaf Pine-Oak Forest-INVGNRSNR
Spring-Ouachita Mountains-INVGNRSNR
Special Elements - Other
Colonial nesting site, water birds-INVGNRSNR
Geological feature-INVGNRSNR

Montgomery County, Arkansas - Listed & Rare Species:

Scientific Name/Common Name

1st - Federal Status, 2nd - State Status, 3rd - Global Rank, 4th - State Rank

Animals - Invertebrates
Alasmidonta marginata (elktoe)-INVG4S3
Callophrys irus hadros (Frosted Elfin)-INVG3T2T3S1
Cicindela macra (sandy stream tiger beetle)-INVG5S2S3
Cordulegaster talaria (Ouachita spiketail)-INVG1G2S1
Cyprogenia aberti (western fanshell)-INVG2G3QS2
Fallicambarus harpi (Ouachita burrowing crayfish)-INVG2 S2
Gomphus ozarkensis (Ozark clubtail)-INVG4S1
Hesperia meskei (Meske's Skipper)-INVG3G4S1S2
Lampsilis powellii (Arkansas fatmucket)LTSEG2S2
Lampsilis satura (sandbank pocketbook)-INVG2S2
Lampsilis siliquoidea (fatmucket)-INVG5S3
Lasmigona costata (flutedshell)-INVG5S3
Ligidium elrodii (an isopod)-INVG4G5S2
Ligumia recta (black sandshell)-INVG4G5S2
Lucanus elaphus (giant stag beetle)-INVG3G5S2
Ophiogomphus westfalli (Westfall's snaketail)-INVG3S1S2
Orconectes menae (Mena crayfish)-INVG3S3
Pentacora ouachita (Ouachita shore bug)-INVGNRS1
Pleurobema rubrum (pyramid pigtoe)-INVG2G3S2
Problema byssus (Byssus Skipper)-INVG3G4S1
Procambarus parasimulans (Bismark burrowing crayfish)-INVG4S3
Procambarus tenuis (Ouachita Mountain crayfish)-INVG3S2
Pseudactium magazinensis (Ouachita pseudactium)-INVGNRS1
Ptychobranchus occidentalis (Ouachita kidneyshell)-INVG3G4S3
Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica (rabbitsfoot)LTSEG3G4T3S2
Quadrula metanevra (monkeyface)-INVG4S3S4
Speyeria diana (Diana Fritillary)-INVG3G4S2S3
Stenotrema unciferum (Ouachita slitmouth)-INVG2SNR
Toxolasma lividum (purple lilliput)-INVG3QS2
Uniomerus tetralasmus (pondhorn)-INVG5S2
Villosa arkansasensis (Ouachita creekshell)-INVG2S2
Villosa iris (rainbow)-INVG5QS2S3
Villosa lienosa (little spectaclecase)-INVG5S3
Animals - Vertebrates
Ambystoma annulatum (ringed salamander)-INVG4S3
Crotalus atrox (western diamond-backed rattlesnake)-INVG5S2
Etheostoma pallididorsum (paleback darter)-INVG2S2
Hemidactylium scutatum (four-toed salamander)-INVG5S3
Lythrurus snelsoni (Ouachita shiner)-INVG3G4SNR
Myotis austroriparius (southeastern myotis)-INVG3G4S3
Nocomis asper (redspot chub)-INVG4S2?
Notropis perpallidus (peppered shiner)-INVG3S2
Noturus lachneri (Ouachita madtom)-INVG2S2
Noturus taylori (Caddo madtom)-INVG1S1?
Pantherophis emoryi (Great Plains ratsnake)-INVG5S3
Percina sp. nov. (Ouachita darter)-INVG2?SNR
Percina uranidea (stargazing darter)-INVG3S3
Plethodon angusticlavius (Ozark zigzag salamander)-INVG4S3
Plethodon caddoensis (Caddo Mountain salamander)-INVG2S2
Plethodon fourchensis (Fourche Mountain salamander)-INVG2QS2
Plethodon serratus (southern red-backed salamander)-INVG5S3
Plants - Vascular
Acer saccharum var. leucoderme (chalk maple)-INVG5T5S2S3
Amorpha ouachitensis (Ouachita indigo-bush)-INVG3QS3
Amsonia hubrichtii (Ouachita bluestar)-INVG3S3
Asplenium pinnatifidum (lobed spleenwort)-INVG4S3
Asplenium x gravesii (Graves' spleenwort)-INVGNAS1
Cardamine angustata (slender toothwort)-INVG5S2
Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides (brome sedge)-INVG5T5S2
Carex emoryi (Emory's sedge)-INVG5S1
Carex laevivaginata (smooth-sheath sedge)-INVG5S2
Carex latebracteata (Waterfall's sedge)-STG3S3
Carex leptalea (bristly-stalk sedge)-INVG5S2S3
Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge)-INVG5S3
Carex prasina (drooping sedge)-INVG4SH
Carex stricta (tussock sedge)-INVG5S3
Carex timida (timid sedge)-INVG2G4S2S3
Cirsium muticum (swamp thistle)-STG5S1
Cypripedium kentuckiense (Kentucky lady's-slipper)-INVG3S3
Delphinium newtonianum (Moore's delphinium)-INVG3S3
Dennstaedtia punctilobula (hay-scented fern)-INVG5S2
Didiplis diandra (water-purslane)-INVG5S1S3
Diphasiastrum digitatum (southern running-pine)-INVG5S1S2
Draba aprica (open-ground whitlow-grass)-STG3S2
Dryopteris celsa (log fern)-INVG4S2
Dryopteris x australis (Dixie wood fern)-INVGNAS1
Dulichium arundinaceum var. arundinaceum (three-way sedge)-INVG5TNRS2S3
Eleocharis wolfii (Wolf's spike-rush)-INVG3G4S3
Elymus churchii (Church's wild rye)-INVG2G3S2?
Eriocaulon koernickianum (small-head pipewort)-SEG2S2
Euphorbia longicruris (wedge-leaf spurge)-INVG4G5S1
Euphorbia sp. nov. (Ouachita spurge)-INVGNRS3
Festuca versuta (Texas fescue)-INVG3S1
Galium arkansanum var. pubiflorum (hairy-flower Arkansas bedstraw)-INVG5TNRS2
Gaylussacia baccata (black huckleberry)-INVG5S3
Gratiola brevifolia (sticky hedge-hyssop)-INVG4S3
Helianthus occidentalis ssp. plantagineus (plantain-leaf sunflower)-INVG5T2T3S1
Heuchera villosa var. arkansana (Arkansas alumroot)-INVG5T3QS3
Houstonia ouachitana (Ouachita bluet)-INVG3S3
Hydrophyllum brownei (Browne's waterleaf)-INVG2S2
Ilex longipes (Georgia holly)-INVG5S3
Iris verna var. smalliana (dwarf iris)-INVG5T4T5S2
Liatris compacta (Ouachita blazing-star)-INVG3S3
Luzula acuminata var. carolinae (Carolina wood-rush)-INVG5T4T5S2
Marshallia caespitosa var. caespitosa (Barbara's-buttons)-INVG4T4S2
Osmorhiza claytonii (hairy sweet-cicely)-INVG5S1S3
Paronychia virginica (yellow nailwort)-INVG4S2
Platanthera flava (rein orchid)-STG4?S2S3
Polymnia cossatotensis (Cossatot leafcup)-INVG1S1
Ptilimnium nodosum (harperella)LEINVG2S2
Quercus acerifolia (maple-leaf oak)-STG1S1
Sanicula smallii (Small's black-snakeroot)-INVG5S3
Selaginella arenicola ssp. riddellii (Riddell's spike-moss)-INVG4T4S3
Sium suave (water-parsnip)-INVG5S1S3
Solidago ouachitensis (Ouachita goldenrod)-INVG3S3
Stachys iltisii (Ouachita hedge-nettle)-INVGNRS3
Stenanthium gramineum (featherbells)-INVG4G5S3
Streptanthus maculatus ssp. obtusifolius (Arkansas twistflower)-INVG3T3S3
Tradescantia longipes (dwarf spiderwort)-INVG4S2
Trichomanes petersii (dwarf bristle fern)-STG4G5S2
Trillium ozarkanum (Ozark trillium)-INVG3S3
Uvularia perfoliata (perfoliate bellwort)-INVG5S3
Valerianella nuttallii (Nuttall's cornsalad)-INVG2?S2
Valerianella palmeri (Palmer's cornsalad)-INVG3S3
Veratrum woodii (Wood's false hellebore)-INVG5S3
Vernonia lettermannii (Letterman's ironweed)-INVG3S3
Vitis rupestris (sand grape)-INVG3 S3
Special Elements - Natural Communities
Ouachita Mountain Forested Seep-INVGNRSNR
Ozark-Ouachita Shortleaf Pine-Oak Forest-INVGNRSNR
Upland Headwater Stream-Ouachita Mountains-INVGNRSNR
Upland Stream-Ouachita Mountains-INVGNRSNR
Special Elements - Other
Colonial nesting site, water birds-INVGNRSNR
Geological feature-INVGNRSNR

Species Rank and Status

Global ranks are assigned through NatureServe, a non-profit organization with a mission to provide the scientific basis for effective conservation action.  NatureServe utilizes its international network of conservation professionals to make global rank assignments.  These ranks address the range-wide rarity of a species using a scale of 1-5 (G1 = extremely rare and G5 = globally secure).  Additional ranks are used to identify species considered extinct or of historical occurrence.  The ranks may also have qualifiers to address subspecies, taxonomic issues, and breeding/non-breeding status.
Source: Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission (7/11/15)

Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission

Pg. 8: Herpetofaunal Biogeography of the Ouachita Region